Everything is recorded

  • Neuer Song von/mit Peter
    auf dem Album Everything is recorded von Richard Russell, Producer von XL Recording:

    10. Purify – Interlude (feat. Infinite & Peter Gabriel)

    Das Album erscheint am 16.Februar.

    Peter schreibt


    “I‘ve known Richard for a number of years and was happy to be part of this record of his. He has done some great production work and like me, is often driven by groove and beats (including pitching the percussion).
    We had some fun and interesting sessions in his studio lab. I was responding to existing tracks and generating some new piano ideas for different potential collaborations.
    He is passionate about his music and pulled together some great people, many of whom I was unfamiliar with. For example, it was the first time I had heard of Sampha (and him, of me) who was a real pleasure to work with.
    We both enjoyed the experience and will be talking about some other ideas in the future.”

    Mehr dazu hier

    Everything is recorded

    I know a farmer who looks after the farm.
    With water clear, he cares for all his harvest.
    I know a fireman who looks after the fire.

  • mir gefällt das Lied welche dort als Youtube Video ist nicht besonders.

    fängt typisch für ein "das mag Peter" Weltmusiklied an und wird dann durch die schrille, jammernde Stimme endgültig schwer zu ertragen.

    die anderen 3 Lieder die es schon zu kaufen gibt sind leider auch nicht besser.

    Das wundert mich nicht, dass Peter da Feuer und Flamme ist.

    Wird langsam schwer das "ich sammel alles von den Jungs" nachzukommen. Staubfänger bei mir
