Gary O'Toole Online Drum School (Kickstarter)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Steve Hackett's Drummer hat ein Kickstarter Projekt gestartet mit dem Ziel, eine Online-Schlagzeugschule aufzubauen.
    Das schrieb er auf seiner Facebook-Seite

    I would like to ask for all your help my friends, to be able to launch my own online Drum school. For that, I ask you to click the link ( and take 5 minutes to watch the video, and see what it is we would like to do to get it up online and working... Then a donation would be most gratefully received by this humble Drummer, through Kickstarter.
    P.S. If you share this - as a few of my very good friends are doing - *PLEASE BE SURE TO SHARE THE URL* to the kickstarter page too (as Facebook will only share the video but not the link):

    Many thanks!