Beiträge von Fearless

    Da kann man ja zuversichlich sein, dass sie vielleicht Weihnachten 2011 unterm Baum liegen kann. :)

    Na, jedenfalls arbeitet er noch dran, das ist ja die Hauptsache. Danke für die Info!

    Was wird denn nun mit Ali's Solo-Album?????? Das letzte Login auf seiner MySpace Album Seite war am 13.09. 2010. Im Player erscheinen keine Songs mehr (zumindest bei mir nicht). Ist das Projekt nun "gestorben"??? Wäre ja sehr schade. Weiß da jemand etwas mehr darüber????

    The Orb feat. David Gilmour bringen im Oktober das Album "Metallic Spheres" heraus. Sehr entspannte Musik mit typischer Gilmour-Gitarre. Mir gefällt das bisher zu hörende sehr gut, hier das Video dazu:

    Noch ein paar Infos zum Album:
    Es werden 2 Tracks drauf sein:
    1. 'Metallic Side' (24'48")
    2. 'Spheres Side' (25'09")
    jeweils unterteilt in 5 Sätze. Gilmour spielt Gitarre und Lap-Steel, und er singt sogar bei der Neuaufnahme des Titels "Chicago"

    Weitere Infos findet Ihr noch auf David Gilmour's Webseite:

    Ich werde wahrscheinlich nach Dresden fahren. Weiss jemand, wann er da beim Stadtfest auf dem Theaterplatz auftritt?
    Ich muss nämlich den Sonnabend bis 15:00 Uhr arbeiten, kann somit frühestens 17:00Uhr in Dresden sein. Sollte er dort eher auftreten(was ich nicht denke und hoffe), brauch ich da gar nicht hinfahren.

    So, es ist geschafft. Das komplette Interview mit Ray ist jetzt zu Papier gebracht. Es war mitunter sehr schwierig zu verstehen. Wie schon gesagt, durch Mikroausfall schlechte Tonqualität, und ab und zu verschluckt Ray auch mal 'ne Endung bzw. spricht etwas undeutlich. Teilweise haben wir zu dritt eine Viertelstunde an einem Satz bzw. Redewendung gehangen.

    Hier also das komplette Interview, auch der Teil, den ich schonmal gepostet habe. Wäre sicher schön, wenn Royale oder jemand anderes es übersetzen könnten. Wie gesagt, ich verstehe es zwar inhaltlich, aber so wörtlich übersetzen, nee, ehe ich da Fehler mache.

    Also hier das Interview:

    ALEX: Tonight you played a gig of your Genesis Classic Tour, did everything went fine?

    RAY: It was good. It’s quiet strange sometimes, because I’ve been doing acoustic shows and I’ve been doing some Stiltskin shows and then tonight I did the Genesis Classic Show again and I’m trying to remember in my mind into this different gig.
    But it was very nice. People were wonderful here in Pirna.

    ALEX: On your website I found an information about an upcoming Genesis Classic DVD. Can you tell us something about it?

    RAY: Basically we recorded a show at radio Berlin. It was just a little, kind of a special one hour concert, quiet small and intimate. But it was a little bit special, I liked it. So, I recorded that on CD and also DVD. It’s just a first version of this concert, we’re gonna do another one probably next year. A bigger concert and a longer show, because it was only one hour at radio Berlin. So the next one will maybe be two hours or two an half hours. But this is the short one.

    ALEX: Can you tell us how you manage it to write music beside your concerts? It seems as you’re always in a different city and travel from one gig to the next one. Where do you take the time to write your music?

    RAY: I normally put time beside for writing. I don’t write all the time, maybe little ideas when I’m driving or when I’m in the bar or in my room or whatever. I write little ideas then. But I put time beside for writing, so normally I sit then write over maybe 12, 18 months, something like this and then record an album. So normally it takes me two years to do.

    ALEX: How would you describe your music, maybe to people who don’t know your music?

    RAY: I think basically it’s rock music. But you know we do a lot of acoustic and we do a lot of electrics. Some of it is kind of singer/songwriter and some of it is a rock band. I’m kind of somewhere in the middle. Maybe like … I don’t know who a good example for this is…I mean the sound is just like Neal Young or Bruce Springsteen

    ALEX:How important is the commercial success in the music business for you at the moment?

    RAY: I don’t really pay much attention to commercial side of things, because I don’t really fit in the commercial music world. And I have a carrier – to be honestly I shouldn’t really have a carrier because I don’t have a lot of radio play, I don’t have big magazine interests. But I gig all the time. But I have my audience, they know what to expect and they follow me around. I get a lot of support and my shows are selling well all the time, which is just amazing. I am so happy about that. I do have some good support from radio, but not as much as somebody like Reamon. You know, constant radio airplay. I don’t have that. But I am happy, I like my life like it is. I don’t have any desire to change the things now. UNVERSTÄNDLICHER BEREICH BEI 04:15MIN!!!

    ALEX: Independent of the success, what do you like more – a concert in front of a big crowd or do you prefer a gig in a small club?

    RAY: I think a small club actually. It’s nice when you have a big crow. But … something about a small club … I don’t know, hundred people and you can see everybody’s eyes and it’s such a challenge to do this. It is much more difficult to do a gig like that then it is to do a gig with 5000 people. Because you see everybody’s face and expression, everyone’s opinion on what you say. And it takes professionalism I think and experience to do these types of concerts well. And I enjoy them, I do lots and lots of little concerts in small towns. And I love it, it’s my favourite thing to do.

    ALEX: Some of your fans like your album “She” very much and would like to know if there will be another “Stiltskin” album with this kind of music.

    RAY: It’s possible. I don’t have any planes at the moment. And “She” was a different renting approach for me, because all the music on “She” apart from one or two things were not written by me. I wrote the text, I wrote the melody, but the guitar part and stuff were written by other people. So it created a different sound for me. And normally with albums like “Change” or “Propaganda Man” I write the music and I write the lyrics. I still work with one or two writers, but it is a different formula. So to do another “Stiltskin” album I would have to start with two or three different guitarist to get some rock riffs and so on. (SCHWIERIG VERSTÄNDLICH) … and start writing. It’s possible, anything is possible.

    ALEX: Some songs of your latest album “Propaganda Man” sound a little bit different in live then in the studio version on the album. Why do you play them in a different way?

    RAY: Because I can. *laughs* When you buy a CD, you have that forever. And “Propaganda Man” for example the song “Propaganda Man”, I do a different version of this live then on the album. You know, there’s a big guitar solo and people like that. I think on the album it’s a totally different mood. I just change things because I can. I always gage the reaction of the audience. If something works and people let me know then I do it and if it doesn’t work then I move it out and do something new. But the audience - I listen to them, I talk to people and ask.

    ALEX: Did you already have some moments in your career where you wanted to plonk down everything? If yes, how you overcome those moments?

    RAY: I had a period of time before I started my solo-career and after Genesis I had a two years when I thought I’ve had enough. Because when you signed with a band like “Genesis” and had number one singles with “Stiltskin” and signing with scorpions of guest appearances and things like this. You know, it is really difficult to know where you go from there. It seems like the only way you can go is down and it took couple years for me to think about what to do and how to move forward. And I decided to go back to the beginning and start again. Almost as if I had no career at all, I just started again. And I did that several years ago. I do a hundred shows a year now and people like it. And I just started again. Talking to the audience, play songs, have a good time. And I am lucky, I have a good voice so trying use it and I choose my songs carefully and make sure people are enjoying the show. The advice to anyone in the music business is really, you just have to continue, you can not stop. There is no place for a looser in the music business. No place.

    ALEX: Which period in your music career do you sense as your best one?

    RAY: I think the best is really my solo career, without a doubt. Genesis was great, Stiltskin was great, having number one singles and touring around the world and stuff. All good, but it’s nothing quiet like doing it yourself and having your own success. Just like someone building an own little business. You get so much satisfaction from your own hard work and your own efforts. I drive a hundred fifty kilometre every single day of my life, every day and I drive and I tour and I gig. I put so much effort and time and energy in my own PA and my own lightning, my own everything and really just work my ass off. And people support me, thank god. I am so grateful for that. And I have a good time, I really do.

    ALEX: Which music do you listen to in your sparetime?

    RAY: Quiet variety music. I like a lot of music from my youth. From my fathers record collection, like Bob Dylan, Jackson Browne and Bruce Springsteen. I like artists like Leonard Cohan who released his live album this year. It’s just a wonderful album he released. And I also like Radiohead, I am a big fan of Radiohead. And the band Live from Canada I like. So it’s quiet a lot of different stuff. David Gray is a singer/songwriter. It’s like with the songs, I don’t really care whether they are cool or what kind of music it is. It doesn’t matter to me.

    ALEX: We already reached the end of the interview. Thank you very much that you took your time to answer my questions. I wish you all the best for the future.

    RAY:Thank you very much. Bye Bye

    SO, nun muss nur noch jemand übersetzten :) .

    So, ich hatte versprochen, das Interview hier zu veröffentlichen. Mein Sohn ist dran, die Zeit die er hat, ist knapp, und wie ich schon schrieb, ist es teilweise ziemlich zeitaufwändig, da schlecht verständlich.

    Zur Übersetzung hat Alex leider keine Zeit, und ich verstehe es zwar, aber nur inhaltlich, und da ich hier nichts falsch übersetzen will, lasse ich es lieber. Es wird also nur in Englisch, Vielleicht ist ja jemand in der Lage, es hier zu übersetzen.

    So, hier nun der erste Teil des Interviews, das andere wird noch folgen:

    Alex: Tonight you played a gig of your Genesis Classic Tour, did everything went fine?

    Ray: It was good. It’s quiet strange sometimes, because I’ve been doing acoustic shows and I’ve been doing some Stiltskin shows and then tonight I did the Genesis Classic Show again and I’m trying to remember in my mind into this different gig.
    But it was very nice. People were wonderful here in Pirna.

    Alex: On your website I found an information about an upcoming Genesis Classic DVD. Can you tell us something about it?

    Ray: Basically we recorded a show at radio Berlin. It was just a little, kind of a special one hour concert, quiet small and intimate. But it was a little bit special, I liked it. So, I recorded that on CD and also DVD. It’s just a first version of this concert, we’re gonna do another one probably next year. A bigger concert and a longer show, because it was only one hour at radio Berlin. So the next one will maybe be two hours or two an half hours. But this is the short one.

    Alex: Can you tell us how you manage it to write music beside your concerts? It seems as you’re always in a different city and travel from one gig to the next one. Where do you take the time to write your music?

    Ray: I normally put time beside for writing. I don’t write all the time, maybe little ideas when I’m driving or when I’m in the bar or in my room or whatever. I write little ideas then. But I put time beside for writing, so normally I sit then write over maybe 12, 18 months, something like this and then record an album. So normally it takes me two years to do.

    Alex: How would you describe your music, maybe to people who don’t know your music.

    Ray: I think basically it’s rock music. But you know we do a lot of acoustic and we do a lot of electrics. Some of it is kind of singer/songwriter and some of it is a rock band. I’m kind of somewhere in the middle. Maybe like … I don’t know who a good example for this is…I mean the sound is just like Neal Young or Bruce Springsteen