• Reine Neugier: Wie ist denn das bei Leuten wie ihm, die sozusagen als „Handwerker“, aber nicht als kreativ Beteiligte auf der Bühne mitwirken – fließen da auch Tantiemen von den Live-CDs/DVDs oder wurden sie bloß fürs Touren bezahlt?

  • Neues von Arnold McCuller: hörenswerte Neu-Interpretation des Country-Stücks "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive"

    Zitat (Ausschnitt):

    "Inspired by the profound history and sacrifices of Black coal miners in America, Arnold McCuller chose to reinterpret the country song "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive" in a manner that would echo their struggles and resilience. Drawing from the rich narratives of Black coal miners, who from as early as the mid-1700s, bore the weight of the nation's mining industry on their shoulders, McCuller shifted away from the traditional country-western vocal style. Instead, he infused the song with a southern soul roots essence that resonates with the deep-seated emotions of the Black-led mining culture. " ....

    Arnold McCuller - Lead Vocals
    Ryan Hommel - Guitar and Pedal Steel
    Luke Bulla - Vocals and Fiddle
    Maureen Murphy - Vocals
    John Ferraro - Drums
    Trey Henry - Bass

    Produced by Matt Cusson
    Mixed and Mastered by Yan Perchuk

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    If we always keep on moving we know we get there in the end

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