Commonicado (inspired by The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway)

  • Anmerkung : Ich poste diesen uralten Text ausgehend von der Verwendung von Wörtern in dem Stück "Moribund The Burgermeister" von Peter Gabriel in dieser Diskussion :…ngs/20165-car-pg-1-a.html , ausgehend von Beitrag 21 dort.

    Anmerkung : Dieser Text ist extrem stark vom Text des Albums "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway" inspiriert worden. Er sollte genauso kreativ mit Wörtern sein und psychedelisch wirken, wie dieses Album von Genesis auf mich gewirkt hatte.

    Commonicado (mit einem "o" !) wurde 1988 auf Audio-Cassette aufgenommen, mit den Möglichkeiten eines unterbemittelten Teenagers mit einem Mini-Keyboard.
    Der untenstehende Text ist abgeschrieben von einem Typoscript aus dieser Zeit.
    Das Typoscript sagt, daß der Text im späten Sommer und im Herbst (Oktober) 1988 entstand.

    Das Wissen der Englischen Sprache entspricht der eines Teenagers (ich, damals).

    Der Begriff "rap" sollte tatsächlich "Rap-Gesang" meinen / darstellen. Gleiches gilkt für "a rapping voice".
    Der Begriff "holow" sollte wohl ursprünglich "hollow" heißen, gemeint ist ein Hohlweg.
    Der erste Vers ist stark beeinflußt von Mike Oldfield's "The deep deep sound" Text zu Taurus II.
    Die dritte Zeile des zweiten Verses sollte eigentlich heißen: "Who are they?"
    Die Antwort im vorletzten Vers beinhaltet, daß die Macht, etwas zu erschaffen, zu groß ist, als daß sie "einfach so" vorgeführt werden könnte.
    Der Name "Enctinous" wird so ähnlich ausgesprochen wie das Wort "Continous", nur halt mit einem "c" dazwischen, wobei das "c" wie ein "k" ausgesprochen wird. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, ob diese Wortähnlichkeit beabsichtigt war, oder nicht.

    Rael und John sind zwei von Peter Gabriel erfundene Charaktere.


    Rap-Hael and Gab-Riel are standing in the morning sun,
    Mi-Chael is waiting for the big, big run,
    Rael, returnung from the purple haze, is waiting though it had begun;
    They're gonna start the search for John, they believe he's in the land of Mon.

    First they go to Bron, he's his father's son.
    He says:"Rap is the key. Rap-Hael has got to rap, then you'll know where the Enctinous be."
    Rael asks:"Who are them ?"
    Bron replies:"You cannot know them. They are 'The Knowing Beings', strange to look at, strange at meetings."

    So Rap-Hael raps.
    He gets to know a lot of gaps.
    A rapping voice says:"Not far away
    there's a holow-way.
    Go into the holow and do not stay,
    Then, at the end of the holow and the way,
    You get to the Enctinous-Tower,
    Within a powerful and rainful shower."

    So, as they see the tower,
    Within that great shower,
    They do not dare to go in.
    But there appears a very strange being and leads them in.
    They haven't seen such a being so far,
    But it is friendly and says:"My name is Maar.
    The Enctinous expect you.
    They know and want to help you."

    As they come into the hall,
    They see three clous which call:
    "We are the Enctinous.
    We can put us
    into other solids and bidies as well.
    We are one opposide side of the hell."

    The Enctinous say
    about the way:
    "Well, there's a white Path on blue Ground.
    Go along there! You'll be led by a hound.
    If you go along there,you will come to Mon.
    He has confined Rael's brother John."

    Rael,Gap-Riel,Mi-Chael and Rap-Hael go along the way,
    through restless clouds, blue sounds, passing several Mounds,
    they get pale white and suddenly they stand before Mon
    at the end of the way.
    Mon is a worm-like creature, two feet high and he
    actually doesn't need any teacher.
    The worm begins to speak ! They discover a hidden
    mouth and feel a sudden
    thing happen.
    Mon says:"You can have John. But he is a cloud with no sound,
    a time with no rhyme, a place with no face. You or I
    have got to create him again. (If you can.)"
    They all see it or him
    and notice his dim.

    They want to take him, but he cannot be caught (!) :
    Like a cloud with no sound,
    a time with no rhyme,
    a place with no face.
    Rael says:"Please Mon, create him again ! We cannot do this !"
    Mon replies:"Ha, Ha ! Don't say this again! You would be frightened of how I would do this ! It's your task."
    Rael says:"But how, I ask!"
    Mon answers:"The Enctinous led you here, didn't they ?
    Put John into a bottle and go to them.
    They know a way to create him."

    So Rael does and they go back on that white way on blue ground
    and again they're led by a hound.
    Maar meets them.
    and leads them in.
    The Enctinous say:
    "We need a lot of clay
    to model him
    without any dim."
    Maar takes the clay. But they cannot see anything about the
    work, the three clouds have become too foggy. As the fog
    turns away, they see John !
    And he walks along(,) there to Rael.
    They all;John,RAel,Gap-Riel,Mi-Chael and Rap-Haep
    go home in a friendly way
    and they will stay
    there forever and never go out into a cloud.

    Copyright des Textes bei der Person, die hier im Forum durch den Benutzernamen "Alrik Fassbauer" repräsentiert wird.

    "There are crawlers under my lambswool feet..."